Watch Geo TV on Jadoo TV
Jadoo TV Provides Pakistani Channel Geo TV
Geo TV is one of the most popular Pakistani channels worldwide. It provides entertaining dramas, music shows, religious shows, political talk shows, and interviews with all different guests.
The most important question that many people have before buying JadooTV is: can you watch Geo TV on Jadoo TV boxes?
Yes you can Geo TV on Jadoo boxes, however, it is not one of the official channels provided by JadooTV, therefore, it is uncertain. JadooTV gets added to MyJadoo -and at times it may not work.
If you are having trouble adding Geo TV to your Jadoo 3, try this:
Go to main screen and select "My Jadoo" - inside you will find Groups. Go in groups and find Geo TV under 'Pakistani' - if you can't find 'Pakistani' group over there, return My Jadoo screen and select Subscribe Groups. Once this opens, find 'Pakistani' and click subscribe. Now when you will go to groups, you will find Pakistani group. (This is how you can find it in Jadoo 3).
If you are having trouble adding Geo TV to your Jadoo 3, try this:
Go to main screen and select "My Jadoo" - inside you will find Groups. Go in groups and find Geo TV under 'Pakistani' - if you can't find 'Pakistani' group over there, return My Jadoo screen and select Subscribe Groups. Once this opens, find 'Pakistani' and click subscribe. Now when you will go to groups, you will find Pakistani group. (This is how you can find it in Jadoo 3).
Thanks for visiting - hope that information helps!